International Day for Protected Monuments and Sites event
Educational hike to the 14th Century Háromhegyi Pauline Church and Monastery Ruins in Martonyi.
Educational hike to the 14th Century Háromhegyi Pauline Church and Monastery Ruins in Martonyi.
Following a brief presentation at the Education Centre, there will be a short walking tour at night away from the light pollution to a place where guests can learn about the spring constellations through telescopes.
The Bodrogzug is Hungary’s last remaining periodically flooded area. In early spring the undergrowth in forest groves are crowned with blue and white flowers, while the surrounding waters erupt with bird songs. The programme will be held only at low tide!
Jósvafő’s 5 springs bubble forth crystal clear karst water after the spring thaw. Make a tour among the sunny hills, springs and blooming pasque flowers blanketing the magnificent landscape.
Those that successfully negotiate the treasure hunt are guaranteed a gift at the end.
Igazi falusi disznóvágás.
Weather and global warming take centre stage on the first day of spring.
50% off standard adult tickets for the Rákóczi and Imre
Vass Cave tours during the week of March 21-27.
20% off standard adult tickets for the Baradla Cave Aggtelek Short Tour, Jósvafő Short Tour and Vörös-tó Intermediate Tour through the entire month of March.
Learn all about the diverse work of our Park rangers. World Ranger Day commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty, and celebrates the work rangers do to protect the world’s natural and cultural treasures.
Learn all about the diverse work of our Park rangers. World Ranger Day commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty, and celebrates the work rangers do to protect the world’s natural and cultural treasures.
Most people think it is only worth going for a hike in the summer. However, it is just as exciting to explore the winter woods, listening and searching for tracks in the snow and mud – signs that reflect the beauty and life of the harsh karst winter.
Most people think it is only worth going for a hike in the
summer. However, it is just as exciting to explore the
Winter woods listening and searching for tracks in the
snow and mud – signs that reflect the beauty and life of
the harsh karst winter.
The fish ponds in winter not only provide a suitable
habitat for water fowl but also dry land birds. Waders,
woodpeckers, ducks and songbirds can be observed in
and around the ponds.