Élmények a Bódva-parton News
Sikerrel lezajlott a Bódva-völgyi Madárgyűrűző Állomás 2018-as szezonja, amely most a szokásosnál is hosszabb ideig tartott.
Sikerrel lezajlott a Bódva-völgyi Madárgyűrűző Állomás 2018-as szezonja, amely most a szokásosnál is hosszabb ideig tartott.
Accommodation booking service Szallas.hu is conducting its 6th annual tourist attraction of the year competition, and our Baradla Cave is in the running. Please support us with your vote!
The Hungarian National Hunting Association has entrusted the organisation of the event to Putnok because it falls under the jurisdiction of the Aggtelek National Park Directorate, which has been pursuing highly successful wildlife management activities for many years.
The Ócsa Recreational Equestrian Competition was held on September 9. 2018 at the Equina Horse School near Budapest. ANP was represented by 2 hucul horses and 2 riders at the event,
Due to the deer rutting season and the associated hunting activities, please be advised for your own safety to not walk in the following forest areas during the specified times.
Environmental educator Antal Újvárosy recently retired. He received the György Kulin Prize, for the most prestigious award of the Hungarian Amateur Astronomy Society on August 11, 2018.
Dr. István Nagy presented state and ministerial honours on St. Stephen’s Day, August 20, 2018. Among the recipients was Aggtelek National Park’ Director of Forestry István Szaniszló.
The 6.8 billion forint Lipica Equestrian Centre in Szilvásvárad was funded within the framework of the Kincsem National Horse Programme. The project was carried out in three phases over a period of four years. The purpose of the centre is to promote the love of horses, riding and equestrian sports.
A Baradla-barlangot július hónapban felkereső, belépőjeggyel rendelkező látogatók között minden héten értékes nyereményeket sorsolunk ki!
Unfortunately, the annual Hucul Festival and Farrier Competition, scheduled this year for August 17-19, has had to be cancelled due to technical problems.
The wildlife of Aggtelek National Park includes a large number of wild boars. Our colleague Ádám Szabó caught these scenes using camera traps.
Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság a „Birds without Borders - Csodálatos madárvilág határok nélkül (SKHU/1601/1.1/065)” című projekt részeként az Interreg V-A Szlovákia-Magyarország Együttműködési Program keretében hirdetett levelező vetélkedőt általános iskolás osztályok számára. Közöljük az eredményeket.
As you have probably heard, brown bears have been sighted at several locations in north-east Hungary this week. In recent years, this has become a more and more often occurance.
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Thanks to a special deal with on-line accommodation booking service Szallas.hu, anyone who books accommodation through Szallas.hu within 30km of the Baradla Cave entrance in Aggtelek is eligible for a 20% discount off full-price adult tickets for the daily Baradla Cave tours.