Az év vadvirága(i) - 2015 News
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Június 27-én a komolyzene kedvelőit várják Égerszögön, a Kultúrpajtában, és az Éger Ág Galériában.
UNESCO, drawing attention to the importance of the role of light in our lives, has chosen the 2015 Year of the Light. It is only appropriate then that the large firefly has been chosen as 2015’s Insect of the Year.
Harminc évesek lettünk, húsz éve a Világörökség része az Aggteleki-karszt barlangjai. A dupla ünnep alkalmából ünnepi árakkal várjuk kedves látogatóinkat.
The Hoopoe was already named Bird of the Year in 1989 and 1990 by the Hungarian Bird and Nature Conservation Society (MME). The bird is found everywhere from Spain to China, and as far north as the shores of the Baltic Sea.
Ground squirrels are strictly protected in Hungary, and carry a 250000 Huf fine for killing one. The mammals breed only onc a year. Unlike other mammals that hibernate from the end of summer through the very end of winter, the male squirrels awake early and prepare their territory for their longer sleeping mates.
The horn of plenty is very different looking from other types of mushrooms, but is unmistakable and often appears en masse. Its spicy aroma is said to be similar to the truffle.
Hungarians have long respected the English oak. As they conquered their way west over the wooded steppes through the Carpathian Basin, the species was a common sight.
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We are saddened to have to announce the passing away of Dr. György Dénes; jurist, historian, geographer, senior scientific advisor, a cave researcher and organiser of the First Secretary of the Hungarian Karst and Speleological Society (1958) and later honorary chairman.
On April 16, 2015 Director of the Slovakian State Conservation Office (Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej Republiky - SR SOP) Milan Boroš and Balázs Veress, Director of Aggtelek National Park signed a cooperation agreement between the two organisations.
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A private charity event was organised on National Poetry Day by Aggtelek National Park (ANPI) in collaboration with Fruktárium Kft. (Trizs) with the aim to further develop wellness tourism at the national park.
The two-day programme in Aggtelek National Park is for amateaurs, led by professional guides and photographers. The programme includes guided surface tours, the Baradla and Imre Vass Caves, and a visit to the hucul horse pasture. This tour is jointly organised by ANP, the Ministry of Agriculture and Varázslatos Magyarország.